Photovoltaic solar systems take advantage of solar radiation by transforming it directly into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect, which consists in the emission of electrons by a material when it is illuminated with electromagnetic radiation (in this case, solar radiation).
There are different photovoltaic technologies (fixed, solar tracking to an axis and solar tracking to two axes) but most are based on silicon.
Photovoltaic solar systems can basically be of two types: isolated installations, mainly oriented to pumping applications, signaling, communications and rural electrification, and grid-connected installations, aimed at the sale of electricity and self-consumption.
The possibilities of application of PV energy are immense and range from the most simple applications such as calculators and solar watches, to the more complex ones such as large power generation plants or power systems for artificial satellites.
Currently it is possible to integrate photovoltaic energy in renewable systems such as geothermal energy, thanks to the low energy demand of this technology, with a very small investment. This way, 100% renewable systems with no environmental impact are possible.